Study Computer Science. Code for fun.
More about me. CS-Notes (Chinese) Résumé (Chinese)
Learning Plan(Course/Book)
- 《机器学习编译》(Machine Learning Compilation)(In Chinese)
- 上海交大×商汤科技【OpenMMLab实践公开课】(In Chinese)
- CS 193p: Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI (In English)
- MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 (In English)
- 北京大学肖臻老师《区块链技术与应用》公开课 (In Chinese)
- The Missing Semester of Your CS Education(In English)(In Chinese)
- CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (In English)
- CS 61B: Data Structures (In English)
- CS 61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) (In English)
- CS 110L: Safety in Systems Programming (In English)
- CMU 15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems (In English)
- CMU 15-445/645: Database Systems (In English)
- CS 144: Introduction to Computer Networking (In English)
- MIT 6.S081: Operating System Engineering (In English)
- 《自己动手写CPU》(In Chinese)
- 循序渐进,学习开发一个RISC-V上的操作系统 (In Chinese)
- The Rust Programming Language (In English)
- Web Development for Beginners - A Curriculum (In English)
- MultiModal Machine Learning Tutorial (In English)
- 《动手深度学习》(Dive Into Deep Learning)(In Chinese)
- AcWing 算法基础课 (In Chinese)
Some Insightful/Interesting Articles and Videos